Course Description

Intermediate Nordic Languages, SCANDIN 100B

Students will acquire the oral proficiency necessary to function in authentic situations of language use with respect to grammatical, functional, and sociolinguistic skills in their own target language (Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, or Swedish). Additionally, students will learn about the shared cultural experiences of the Nordic region.

Students will be enrolled in SCANDIN 100B Friday Lecture (11:00am-12:00pm) and should select a target language section (meeting Mondays and Wednesdays) to meet course requirements.

Please confirm the language selection below under "Course Meeting Requirements" before enrolling:

Scandin 100B UC11 (Danish): Monday and Wednesday 11:00–11:59
Scandin 100B UC12 (Finnish): Monday and Wednesday 11:00–11:59
Scandin 100B UC13 (Norwegian): Monday and Wednesday 11:00–11:59
Scandin 100B UC14 (Swedish): Monday and Wednesday 11:00–11:59

Scandin100B is taught by a team of instructors.

Scandin 100B 101 (Danish) is taught by lecturer Sofie Malmborg Hansen,
Scandin 100B 102 (Finnish) is taught by senior lecturer Lotta Weckstrom,
Scandin 100B 103 (Norwegian) is taught by lecturer John Prusynski,
Scandin 100B 104 (Swedish) is taught by a GCSI, please contact supervisor Lotta Weckstrom,
Scandin 100B (Friday lecture series) is taught by lecturer Sofie Malmborg Hansen,

  • For inquiries regarding the Friday lecture on Nordic culture, please contact Sofie Malmborg Hansen.
  • For language placement tests and questions regarding target language sections, please get in touch with the target language instructor.
  • For general inquiries contact Language program coordinator Lotta Weckstrom,

Key Information

Credit: 6 quarter units / 4 semester units credit
UC Berkeley, Scandinavian

Course Credit:

Upon successful completion, all online courses offered through cross-enrollment provide UC unit credit. Some courses are approved for GE, major preparation and/or, major credit or can be used as a substitute for a course at your campus.

If "unit credit" is listed by your campus, consult your department, academic adviser or Student Affairs division to inquire about the petition process for more than unit credit for the course.

UC Berkeley:
General Education: L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature; Fulfills L&S Foreign Language Requirement
Major Requirement: fulfills upper division requirement for Scandinavian majors: Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish concentrations.

UC Davis:
General Education: AH, WC.

UC Irvine:
General Education: VIII - International/Global Issues
Major Requirement: Fulfills 2 year foreign language requirement for Humanities majors

UC Los Angeles:
Major Preparation: Scandinavian Languages and Cultures Major / Scandinavian Languages Minor; COM LIT major, COM LIT minor (foreign langauge level 6); ENGLISH major/American Literature & Culture major (foreign language level 5)
Foreign Language requirement

UC Merced:
General Education: Satisfies the Language Requirement

UC Riverside:
General Education: Elective units

UC San Diego:
General Education: Revelle - Fulfills Revelle College Foreign Language Proficiency requirement; TMC 1 course toward upper division disciplinary breadth if noncontiguous to major; ERC - meets college language proficiency requirement; Sixth - 1 course NAHR; Muir- May petition a full year of a language other than English for a GE sequence in Area III

UC San Francisco:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Barbara:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Cruz:
General Education: CC


Prerequisite: Scandinavian 100A with a passing grade, or consent of instructor.

More About The Course

Continuing students of Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish enrolling in Scandinavian 100B will meet together for one hour of lecture per week (F 11-12) to read and interpret literary and nonliterary texts about inter-Scandinavian communication, linguistics, and language history. In addition to this one-hour combined lecture, students will meet two additional hours per week (in discussion sections with a language instructor) to be instructed in their particular target languages.

Students should enroll in the relevant target language section as follows: Section 101 = Danish; Section 102 = Finnish; Section 103 = Norwegian; Section 104 = Swedish. Students should register in the 100B lecture in addition to the relevant section they will attend. The course is complete with the language and the lecture sections – you must enroll in both parts in order to fully enroll in the course. Should you experience a scheduling problem it is essential that you consult the language coordinator.

Students will further develop their basic communicative competence in all four foreign language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) within a cultural context in their own target language (Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish). Through the weekly lecture they will gain a deeper understanding of the other Scandinavian languages through tasks and readings. Students will NOT be asked to learn to speak the other two Scandinavian languages, but to learn about them.

Placement: Scandinavian 100B is open to students who have taken either one of the Scandinavian language sequences Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish 1A-1B with a passing grade. A placement test is mandatory for other students who have had 90 hours of in-class instruction (reached the Novice High/Intermediate Low proficiency level) in any Scandinavian language and with a passing grade. The placement test must be taken prior to or within the first week of instruction. Contact the language coordinator to schedule a placement test.

Native, Near-Native, Heritage Speakers: The specific language sections are only open to learners of the specific Scandinavian language of instruction in the section. The course is not open to native, near-native, or heritage speakers of any Nordic language without prior consent from the language coordinator. The course cannot be repeated without prior consent from the language coordinator.

Workload for the combined lecture (e.g. 1/3 of the total grade for SCAND 100A): Two hours of weekly task-based homework.

Workload for the discussion section (e.g. 2/3 of the total grade for SCAND 100A): An average of three hours of work outside class per week.

The structure of supplemental language sections depends on the language instructor, but usually includes weekly written assignments, oral presentations, an oral and written midterm and final exam.

Texts: Language sections: textbooks TBA– most often as readers

Relevant Website

Course Creator

Sofie Hansen

Sofie Malmborg Hansen is a Danish anthropologist and writer. At UC Berkeley, Sofie teaches Danish language, culture and literature.

Sofie Malmborg Hansen is a Danish anthropologist and writer. At UC Berkeley, Sofie teaches Danish language, culture and literature.
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