Course Description


4 Units, Lecture, 3 hours; term paper, 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): none. An introduction to African literature in English. Traces the history of African literary traditions from its oral beginnings to the early 2000s. Themes include colonialism across the continent, apartheid in South Africa, politics of post-independence, gender, African aesthetics, and diverse cultures on the continent.

Key Information

Credit: 4 quarter units / 2.67 semester units credit
UC Riverside, Literatures & Languages

Course Credit:

Upon successful completion, all online courses offered through cross-enrollment provide UC unit credit. Some courses are approved for GE, major preparation and/or, major credit or can be used as a substitute for a course at your campus.

If "unit credit" is listed by your campus, consult your department, academic adviser or Student Affairs division to inquire about the petition process for more than unit credit for the course.

UC Berkeley:
Unit Credit

UC Davis:
General Education: AH, WC.

UC Irvine:
Major Requirement: Upper Division Elective Credit for Comp Lit major

UC Los Angeles:
General Education: Literary and Cultural Analysis
Major Preparation: ENGLISH major/American Literature & Culture major (depending on origin of texts for each particular offering, may count toward foreign language requirement as foreign literature in translation course).

UC Merced:
Unit Credit (see your Academic Advisor)

UC Riverside:
Major Requirement: Satisfies upper-division elective for Comparative & World Literature Major

UC San Diego:
General Education: TMC 1 course toward Humanities and Cultural Studies GE or 1 course toward lower division disciplinary breadth if noncontiguous to major; ERC Regional Specialization- Africa; Sixth - 1 NAHR; Warren - May be counted for PofC depending on major/PofC/AS; Muir- may petition as one course in a matching GE sequence in Humanities; Muir: 1 course in a Humanities theme in "Literary Narratives"

UC San Francisco:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Barbara:
Course Equivalence: UCSB C LIT 33 / BLST 33
General Education: Area G - Literature, World Cultures
Major Preparation: Equivalent to UCSB C LIT 33/BLST 33

UC Santa Cruz:
General Education: CC

Course Fees


More About The Course

This course requires students to meet online once per week on Wednesday from 11:00 am - 12:20 pm. Details of the online meeting will be provided by the Instructor.

Course Creator

Anthonia Kalu

Anthonia Kalu is a professor in the Departments of Comparative Literature & Languages at UC-Riverside. She joined UCR in 2015 from the Ohio State University-Columbus, Ohio. Kalu is a Past President (2013-2014) of the African Literature Association-USA (ALA-USA). She has  served as president of the Women’s Caucus of the African Literature Association  (WOCALA), and on the Steering Committee of the Women’s Caucus of the African Studies  Association-USA (ASA-USA). She has also served as a Board Member for the African Studies Association. Kalu's interests include African literatures, African American literature, African Gender Studies, and Women in Development. Her research interests include African and African American literatures, and literary theory construction; Women in the African Diaspora; Women in African Development and Multiculturalism. She  is also continuing work on a book-length project titled, Language, Woman and Story: African Literature and Social Transformation. Her published works  include articles in journals like Africa TodayResearch in African LiteraturesAfrican Studies Reviewthe Atlantic Literary ReviewSeminar, and the Literary Griot. Kalu is also a  creative writer (fiction). Other publications include, Women, Literature and Development in Africa (Africa World Press, 2001); Broken Lives and Other Stories [Fiction] (Ohio University Press, 2003); and, The Rienner Anthology of Africa Literature (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007) - which is the first work of its kind in African Literature. She is co-editor of Reflections: An Anthology of New Works by African Women Poets (2013); an eBook, Chinua Achebe: A Tribute (1930-2013) (ALABooks, 2013), and Women, Literature and Development in Africa (Second Edition, 2020)


Anthonia Kalu is a professor in the Departments of Comparative Literature & Languages at UC-Riverside. She joined UCR in 2015 from the Ohio State University-Columbus, Ohio. Kalu is a Past President (2013-2014) of the African Literature Association-USA (ALA-USA). She has  served as president of the Women’s Caucus of the African Literature Association  (WOCALA), and on the Steering ...

Anthonia Kalu is a professor in the Departments of Comparative Literature & Languages at UC-Riverside. She joined UCR in 2015 from the Ohio State University-Columbus, Ohio. Kalu is a Past President (2013-2014) of the African Literature Association-USA (ALA-USA). She has  served as president of the Women’s Caucus of the African Literature Association  (WOCALA), and on the Steering Committee of the Women’s Caucus of the African Studies  Association-USA (ASA-USA). She has also served as a Board Member for the African Studies Association. Kalu's interests include African literatures, African American literature, African Gender Studies, and Women in Development. Her research interests include African and African American literatures, and literary theory construction; Women in the African Diaspora; Women in African Development and Multiculturalism. She  is also continuing work on a book-length project titled, Language, Woman and Story: African Literature and Social Transformation. Her published works  include articles in journals like Africa TodayResearch in African LiteraturesAfrican Studies Reviewthe Atlantic Literary ReviewSeminar, and the Literary Griot. Kalu is also a  creative writer (fiction). Other publications include, Women, Literature and Development in Africa (Africa World Press, 2001); Broken Lives and Other Stories [Fiction] (Ohio University Press, 2003); and, The Rienner Anthology of Africa Literature (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007) - which is the first work of its kind in African Literature. She is co-editor of Reflections: An Anthology of New Works by African Women Poets (2013); an eBook, Chinua Achebe: A Tribute (1930-2013) (ALABooks, 2013), and Women, Literature and Development in Africa (Second Edition, 2020)


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