Course Description

Cultures of Sustainability and Social Justice, ANTH 110I

Brings together diverse forms of cultural knowledge and complexities of everyday life to illuminate longstanding concerns of sustainability and justice. Investigates multiple theories of sustainable development as well as tools, techniques, and contexts for ecological integrity, economic security, empowerment, responsibility and social well-being characteristic of sustainable communities. Case studies are drawn from around the world highlighting the work of Right Livelihood Award Laureates in tandem with UC faculty.

Key Information

Credit: 5 quarter units / 3.33 semester units credit
UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology

Course Credit:

Upon successful completion, all online courses offered through cross-enrollment provide UC unit credit. Some courses are approved for GE, major preparation and/or, major credit or can be used as a substitute for a course at your campus.

If "unit credit" is listed by your campus, consult your department, academic adviser or Student Affairs division to inquire about the petition process for more than unit credit for the course.

UC Berkeley:
Unit Credit

UC Davis:
General Education: SS.

UC Irvine:
Major Requirement: upper division elective credit for Anthropology Major

UC Los Angeles:
Major Requirement: 1 UD elective for Anthro BA, BS, and minor / UD elective for Sociology major

UC Merced:
Unit Credit (see your Academic Advisor)

UC Riverside:
Course Equivalence: UCR ANTH 132 - Cultural Ecology
General Education: Elective units

UC San Diego:
General Education: Revelle one Social Science (no major overlap); TMC 1 course toward upper division disciplinary breadth if noncontiguous to major; Warren - May be used depending on major/PofC, Transfer students may use for UD noncontiguous GE depending on major; Sixth- 1 Social Analysis, Seventh - 1 course towards Alternatives - Social Science; Muir: 1 course in a Social Science theme in "Culture, Society and Social Justice"
Major Requirement: Chicanx and Latinx Studies Minor - Can be counted toward upper-division elective;

UC San Francisco:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Barbara:
General Education: This course will apply to Area D automatically upon completion

UC Santa Cruz:
General Education: PE-E
Major Requirement: Satisfies upper division requirement for Anthropology majors and some other Social Science majors.

Course Fees


More About The Course



10% - Completion of Online Materials and Quizzes. There are 10 sets of videos on the course website. Completing each set on time, and the associated comprehension quiz, earns the student 1 point toward their overall grade. If a student misses two sets they will go down a full letter grade. If a student completes a set more than 7 days after it was due they will earn a ½ point for that set. 

20% - Reading and Film Response Papers. Students are invited to write weekly response papers. These will be given as homework at the end of each video set and turned in electronically the following week. There are 10 in total. Response papers should be at least 1 page (11 point Times font, 1½ spaced) in length to receive full credit (2 points). A late response paper is only worth 1 point, however, students will not receive any credit for a journal entry if it arrives more than 1 week (7 days) after it was assigned.

10% -   Participation in Video Conference Calls. There will be two video conference calls throughout the quarter.  We will utilize an innovative conference call technology which allows our large group to not only gather for keynote talks, but also small group breakouts. These breakouts promote greater student interactivity, providing an opportunity for dialogue and critical reflection on the course themes.  Each call earns the student 5 points. 

10% - Collaborative Online Database.  Our cohort will create a collaborative online database whose goal is to document connections between Right Livelihood Award Laureates and campus faculty, researchers, graduates students, Centers, and community organizations. This project allows students to showcase the work that is happening at their own campus and community while contributing to a product that ultimately may be used to support collaborative research between UC and Right Livelihood Award affiliates. Each student is expected to create a minimum of 5 entries for 2 points each (10 points total). 

25% - Midterm Exam. 

25% - Final Exam.

Course Creators

David Shaw
David Shaw
David Shaw
Nancy Chen
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