Course Description

Elementary Spanish, SPA 002V

Continuation of SPA 001, SPA 001S, or previous high school experience in the areas of grammar and basic language skills. Online format combining synchronous chatting with technologically based materials.

Key Information

Credit: 5 quarter units / 3.33 semester units credit
UC Davis, SPPR

Course Credit:

Upon successful completion, all online courses offered through cross-enrollment provide UC unit credit. Some courses are approved for GE, major preparation and/or, major credit or can be used as a substitute for a course at your campus.

If "unit credit" is listed by your campus, consult your department, academic adviser or Student Affairs division to inquire about the petition process for more than unit credit for the course.

UC Berkeley:
Unit Credit

UC Davis:
General Education: AH & WC

UC Irvine:
Course Equivalence: SPAN 1B

UC Los Angeles:
Major Preparation: ENGLISH major/American Literature & Culture major (foreign language level 2)

UC Merced:
Course Equivalence: UCM SPAN 001

UC Riverside:
General Education: LTLG QTR2 - Language quarter 2 credit

UC San Diego:
General Education: Revelle - towards Foreign Language Requirement (third semester/intermediate level or fourth quarter course required for proficiency); Warren - May be counted depending on major/PofC/AS); Sixth - 1 course towards NAHR GE; ERC - Foreign Language Requirement - third semester/intermediate level or fourth quarter course required for proficiency; Muir- May petition a full year of a language other than English for a GE sequence in Area III. TMC 1 course toward lower division disciplinary breadth if noncontiguous to major

UC San Francisco:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Barbara:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Cruz:
Unit Credit


SPA 001 or SPA 001S or SPA 001V or SPA 001Y

Course Fees

All course materials are provided and available on the website.

Course Creators

Robert Blake
Robert J. Blake (Ph.D. University of Texas) is distinguished professor of Spanish linguistics at UC Davis and founding director of the UC Language Consortium ( He has published widely in Spanish linguistics and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Georgetown University Press published his two book:  Brave New Digital Classroom (2nd, 2013) and El español y lingüística (2016). He helped develop an online first-year Spanish, Arabic, and Punjabi course. In 2004, he became a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, making him a corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy. For the last five summers, he has taught a professional development workshop for Spanish teachers in Salamanca, Spain.  In Fall 2013, he was invited to be a visiting professor at the University of Salamanca Robert J. Blake (Ph.D. University of Texas) is distinguished professor of Spanish linguistics at UC Davis and founding director of the UC Language Consortium ( He has published widely in Spanish linguistics and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Georgetown University Press published his two book:   Brave New Digital Classroom (2nd, 2013) and El español y ...

Robert J. Blake (Ph.D. University of Texas) is distinguished professor of Spanish linguistics at UC Davis and founding director of the UC Language Consortium ( He has published widely in Spanish linguistics and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Georgetown University Press published his two book:  Brave New Digital Classroom (2nd, 2013) and El español y lingüística (2016). He helped develop an online first-year Spanish, Arabic, and Punjabi course. In 2004, he became a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, making him a corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy. For the last five summers, he has taught a professional development workshop for Spanish teachers in Salamanca, Spain.  In Fall 2013, he was invited to be a visiting professor at the University of Salamanca

Travis Bradley
Claudia Sanchez-Gutierrez
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