Course Description

Asian American Communities and Race Relations, ASAMST 20AC

This course will be a survey of contemporary issues affecting the Asian American community. We will look at the different theories that explain the current status of Asian Americans and the interrelationship between the Asian American community, nation, and world. The course will focus on the issue of race relations, the commonalities and differences between Asian Americans and other race and ethnic groups.

Key Information

Credit: 6 quarter units / 4 semester units credit
UC Berkeley, Ethnic Studies

Course Credit:

Upon successful completion, all online courses offered through cross-enrollment provide UC unit credit. Some courses are approved for GE, major preparation and/or, major credit or can be used as a substitute for a course at your campus.

If "unit credit" is listed by your campus, consult your department, academic adviser or Student Affairs division to inquire about the petition process for more than unit credit for the course.

UC Berkeley:
General Education: American Cultures Breadth Requirement
Major Requirement: fulfills lower division requirement for AAADS majors

UC Davis:
Course Equivalence: UCD ASA 002 Contemporary Issues of Asian Americans
General Education: ACGH, AH, DD, SS, VL, WC

UC Irvine:
Course Equivalence: UCI Asian Am Studies 52
General Education: III and VII

UC Los Angeles:
General Education: Social Analysis

UC Merced:
Unit Credit (see your Academic Advisor)

UC Riverside:
General Education: AST Elective units

UC San Diego:
General Education: ERC 1 lower division course for Americas Regional Specialization; TMC 1 course toward Humanities and Cultural Studies or 1 course toward lower division disciplinary breadth if noncontiguous to major, Seventh - 1 course towards Alternatives - Humanities; Sixth - 1 course Social Analysis; Revelle - 1 course Social Science; Muir: may petition toward matching sequence 1 course in Culture, Society and Social Justice theme in Social Sciences;

UC San Francisco:
Unit Credit

UC Santa Barbara:
General Education: Area D - Social Sciences, Ethnicity

UC Santa Cruz:
General Education: ER
Major Requirement: Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Major: Elective; General lower division Americas and Africa requirement for the History Major;

Course Creator

Harvey Dong
Harvey Dong is interested in research and writing about the evolution of Asian American and Third World social movement activism on campus and in the communities. He was also involved in the I-Hotel History Committee to write a timeline history of struggle.  He teaches Asian American Studies at UC Berkeley and was awarded the 2016 American Cultures Ronald Takaki Teaching Award.  He uses his community work experience to bring life to his Asian American history, Chinese American history and Contemporary Issues course.  Many of his students have gone on to work in social justice causes. Harvey Dong is interested in research and writing about the evolution of Asian American and Third World social movement activism on campus and in the communities. He was also involved in the I-Hotel History Committee to write a timeline history of struggle.  He teaches Asian American Studies at UC Berkeley and was awarded the 2016 American Cultures Ronald Takaki Teaching Award.  He uses his ...

Harvey Dong is interested in research and writing about the evolution of Asian American and Third World social movement activism on campus and in the communities. He was also involved in the I-Hotel History Committee to write a timeline history of struggle.  He teaches Asian American Studies at UC Berkeley and was awarded the 2016 American Cultures Ronald Takaki Teaching Award.  He uses his community work experience to bring life to his Asian American history, Chinese American history and Contemporary Issues course.  Many of his students have gone on to work in social justice causes.

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